Your Startup Glory Starts Here
If you are interested in expanding your business opportunities, you are at the right place. Welcome to the leading software development forum. We are more than happy to present you main ideas when it comes to the software development world that will most certainly help you with your startup project. This forum includes general discussions regarding various software development topics like software implementation, testing, design, architecture, maintenance, various methodologies like scrum, agile, iterative then configuration management, UI design and documentation. Here you will also find guides and valuable tips regarding startup businesses and web development.
Join Our Community
If you decide to join our international community you will find several subforums which include different software development topics. Our forum has already attracted significant number of people interested in software development subject, so feel free to join. The forum started from a scratch as a pretty small conference and in almost no time we were able to attract clients coming from all over the world. Therefore, today we are able to proudly present you our forum that gathers both various international clients and local audience. Whether you are looking for a forum revolving around software development for the most trusted and secure online casino websites or whether you are interested in software development for payment security, you are at the right place. Join our growing community and explore some amazing opportunities following our unique networking event. Before we embark on this adventure together, it is fair to say more about our history and our origin.
Our Humble Origin
We have been always invested in the history of software engineering and software development. You know that software engineering has evolved to be a profession greatly concerned with how to properly and in the best possible way maximize the quality of software and how to create software which will suit certain needs and fit in the both local and international market. In this case, the quality of software mainly refers to how maintainable your software revolving mainly around its usability, stability, size, security, readability, and number of its bugs and flaws.

Form Small to International Recognized Community
Just like many other similar events, we started as a small community gathering some close people interested in the software development scene. Our goal was to cross the finish line and launch our event that will gather people from all over the world in Silicon Valley who share our ideas. Fortunately, thanks to our devotion and hard work we were able to meet our goals in a short time, so today we are here at this spot. Today, we are here for you in order to introduce you to some of the greatest opportunities of this highly competitive scene, presenting you guides and tips you will most certainly use for your startup project. We are proudly presenting you various tutorials, sharing some tips and expanding your point of view, so you will be able to get to know the industry from very different perspective. As soon as you embrace this new perspective, there will be nothing that can stop you from crossing that finish line.
As we stated before, we have started a small community of people invested and completely devoted to bringing you the best from the industry. At the very beginning of our journey, we have put our goals on the table. Our goals were to have what we have today, this international forum gathering people from all over the world all interested in expanding their business opportunities. Our goal was to create a leading networking place that will attract international clients having on their mind one thing, to improve their business while aiming to the very top. Our small community was more than prepared for those great challenges. Thanks to our devotion and teamwork we were able to become this huge and above all unique networking event that welcomes millions of people every year.

Software design, Development, Maintenance…
If you want to skyrocket your productivity and your business to the very top, we suggest you to join our community. Here you will meet and share experiences with our international clients, international partners and some of the leading speakers in the industry who will gladly share with you their thoughts and ideas on improving your startup business. You will get to know how to improve your software development team, improve your odds of success and eventually become a leader in the industry whether you are devoted to software development for betting websites and casinos or you are working on software development for payment security. Here, you are definitely in safe hands. You should keep in mind that every beginning is hard, but having us as your companion is the business decision you can make in order to keep your business growing towards its full potential.
So, whether you want to design your online gaming and sports betting software or maybe you are interested in payment security, in either case we have answers to your questions. Join us, meet our international clients, hear what our leading professionals have to say, meet other people interested in the same thing as you and expand your business using our guides and tips. If you decide to join US, and we most certainly think you will, then you will join the greatest networking event and both help yourself and your team.